Hey guys! I haven't made an update for awhile so I think now is a good time for that. I've been very busy lately (as usual) but everything is going well. So yeah!
First of all I've been working on new tracks a lot lately and there should be more music coming up soon so stay tuned. I think they sound great and you will love them! And I hope you liked my latest track "Clickbait" :) Btw Back on track just hit 9 million views on YouTube which is amazing and I've almost got 10k followers on SoundCloud!
As you probably know I'm also running my own label Sound Ward and I've been gaining more and more subscribers to Sound Ward's YouTube channel and things are looking good. If you haven't checked out it yet you definitely should, there's more cool music for your ears!
My school/work and personal stuff (and Overwatch lol) also consumes my time but I'm still trying to find as much time as possible to make music for you guys. Thanks for your infinite support and stay tuned for more music stuff <3