Time to take a look what's coming up next from me😎
The first two Multiverse saga songs have been out now for awhile (Multiverse and Moon Raiders) and the third chapter to the story will be here very soon. The third chapter will introduce a new ALTVI. Pretty excited about that.
The Multiverse saga will consist approximately 5 chapters and there are some nice plot twists planned for you. For those who don't know yet, the Multiverse saga is a scifi thriller featuring alternative DJVI's entering the Multiverse. Each song is a new chapter to the story and the chapters can be found either in the descriptions of the songs on YouTube or on my website.
Now let's talk about the next song. The next song will have a much slower tempo than my tracks usually have. It also introduces multiple different melodies and it might even be my longest song ever. Still under 5 minutes though, let's not get too wild!
I also managed to make a Twitter account (after a decade). If you want to follow me there, my Twitter is @djviofficial
Besides that, I also uploaded some time ago a new YouTube video of me playing Geometry Dash to my second YouTube channel. The last time I uploaded something there was 1,5 years ago lol. The second channel also reached 3k subscribers recently which was pretty nice.
Stay tuned for the next song and happy Easter! 🐇